Tuesday, 11 June, 2024 - 7:52 AM


G’day from Sydney Australia

To Jean, her family and her Team I wish you all a Happy Birthday!

I salute EES Singapore on reaching such a milestone and applaud the Company in reaching their 30th anniversary of operating.

I know how difficult it is to continue to be enthusiastic, competitive and maintain the will to succeed but EES Singapore has done this with aplomb.

I go back a long way with Jean, way, way back, back to when she was a young lady just starting her career. Even then she showed how focussed and determined she was flying to Sydney and approaching the Directors of EES Australia asking permission to use our name and start her own Operation and call it EES Freight Services Singapore. This was the beginning of a long personal relationship with Jean and her family.

You will hear many times in the Shipping Industry “It’s not personal it’s just business” this phrase could never be further from the truth it is all about the personal relationships created both locally and overseas.

Something I have never forgotton, many years ago my Grandmother was visiting England and became ill, my Mother flew to England to bring her home. My Grandmother’s medical condition meant that she had to break the trip and rest for a few days in Singapore Jean was extremely kind to two very important people in my life looking afterv them, I have never forgotton this kindness. Jean has stayed in contact with my mother and still visits her when she is in Sydney.

I visited Singapore in September 2012 and again Jean and Gilbert were extraordinary hosts to my wife and I.

I am sorry that I could not be there tonight but rest assured I will toast the occasion on Saturday night.


John Hull former Director and CEO of EES Australia


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